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<:ds:1170215664770875432> RocketLeague AI: MY HONEST REVIEW <:ds:1170215664770875432> <:ds:1170215664770875432> 1: claims to be GC2-3 / is only champ 1 max <:ds:1170215664770875432> 7/10<:ds:1170215664770875432> <:ds:1170215664770875432> 2: ariels are little to none with this AI 4/10 <:ds:1170215664770875432> <:ds:1170215664770875432> shots 8/10 <:ds:1170215664770875432> <:ds:1170215664770875432> dribble is a 9/10 <:ds:1170215664770875432> <:ds:1170215664770875432> defence 7.5/10 <:ds:1170215664770875432> <:ds:1170215664770875432> 3: coding for AI is good enough to run lobbies and get lots of wins, but the coding is dumb considering it turns itself down if you score too much vise/verse <:ds:1170215664770875432> <:ds:1170215664770875432> 4: is very good concept and would love to see this recoded and updated compared to the other AI there is out there for RL <:ds:1170215664770875432>
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