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Introducing: Lone's Tarkov DMA Radar – your ultimate DMA cheat for Tarkov. ×
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EFT Fanta

escape from tarkov Instant Delivery

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Escape From Tarkov Fanta

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  • Supported CPU: Intel + AMD
  • Supported Windows Version: 10 - 11 (all version)

Bullet Redirect

  • Shoot players/scavs through any wall/terrain at any distance (up to bullet travel distance limit)
  • Scav blaster: Automatically cycles scavs for redirect kills

Silent Aim

  • Silent Aim Toggle: Turns silent aim on/off
  • Silent Fov Limit: Limits your angular fov, if within fov allows aim
  • Silent Pixel Limit: Limits your fov by pixels, if within pixel radius allows aim
  • Bullet Drop Correction: Automatically adjusts your aim to correct for bullet drop
  • Movement Prediction: Automatically adjusts your aim to predict where the target will be by the time your bullet reaches them
  • Velocity Adjustment: Manually tune player movement prediction by meters, negative value aims behind positive aims ahead
  • Velocity History: Holds movement history in milliseconds for your target for a legit/smooth aimbot prediction
  • Humanizer: Spreads shots out by hitbox size * multiplier
  • Head aim height: Manually adjust maximum head aim height via slider
  • Hitbox: Select primary hitbox  Closest, Head, Thorax, Chest, RightArm, LeftArm, LeftLeg, RightLeg


  • Recoil slider: 1.000 (100%) being default recoil, slide down to reduce recoil, ex: 0.500(50%) reduces recoil to 50%
  • Breath slider: 1.000 (100%) being default breath, slide down to reduce breath, ex: 0.500(50%) reduces breath to 50%
  • Instant ADS: Zoom in and out instantly.
  • Remove Sway: Prevents your weapon from swaying around.
  • Remove Walk: Prevents your weapon from moving due to your movement.
  • Remove Aim Punch: Prevents your weapon and angles from punching upwards when you get hit by a bullet or a grenade
  • Remove Bullet Spread: Removes spread from your weapon and your bullets will not deviate
  • Remove Collision: Prevents your weapon from going down or to the side when colliding with nearby objects/walls
  • Remove Malfunctions/Jams: Prevents your weapon from jamming or receiving malfunctions

Screen Indicators / HUD

  • Watermark: fanta
  • Execution Time: Overlay FPS, Code execution timing for cheat and rendering in milliseconds
  • Timescale
  • Aimbot targeted bone
  • Player count
  • Bot count
  • Highest item name and price
  • 2D Radar: Squares for bots, Directional triangles for players
  • Killfeed: Shows which player died(with killer)/left/extracted and a customizable display timer and customizable sorting (by KD, Level or Inventory price)
  • Playerlist: Shows player name and inventory worth
  • Local Player Info: Health, Food, Water, Movement speed, Ammo count, Bullet Type and velocity, Current scope
  • GPU Sleep: Customizable ultra precise delay between frames for performance mode or relaxed

Screen Indicators Extended //Optionless visuals

  • Draws a line into a cross displaying the position aimbot will target (prediction/bullet drop)
  • Color changes automatically to green when silent aim is active
  • Shows Hovered Item name and price for inraid inventory/looting menu


  • Unique Color Selection: Shows current color and all possible colors based on your current RGBA slider
  • Players
  • Friends
  • Bosses
  • Raiders
  • Bots
  • Air Drops
  • Nearby Items
  • Expensive Items
  • Custom Items
  • Quest Items and Locations
  • Corpses
  • Grenades
  • Radar Background
  • Radar Outline
  • Crosshair


  • 2D Radar: Customizable Size and Scale
  • Player Box
  • Player Cross
  • Player Skeleton
  • Player Chams (Pink, Red(thermal))
  • Player Name
  • Player Item in Hands
  • Player Health
  • Player Total Inventory worth
  • Player Inventory Display: Item Name, Item Type, Item Worth
  • Player Distance
  • Player Quest Item Indicator: Tags the player indicating they have a required Quest Item
  • Player Custom Item Indicator: Tags the player indicating they have an item from your Custom Loot list
  • Player Holds Highest Item Indicator: Highlights player with Text indicating they have the Highest Item
  • Landmine Warning Indicator: Automatically shows Danger Zones for land mines when they are nearby
  • Sniperzone Warning Indicator: Automatically shows Sniper Zones when they are nearby
  • Bullet ESP: Indicates the position of your bullets
  • Hitmarker ESP: Animated hitmarkers, shows which part of the body you hit with your bullet - Head, Thorax, Stomach, RightLeg etc..
  • Quest Items and Locations


  • Displays Items you need to collect for your active quests on ESP
  • Displays Locations you need to visit for your active quests on ESP
  • Instant Quest Item Planting: Place items/beacons instantly without having to wait
  • Filters out non Found in Raid items
  • Automatically removes locations and items off of your esp that are no longer needed / have been completed
  • Quest Item Manager: Shows actively searched quest items, right click to remove which items you don't wish to search for
  • Smart reminder system, informs you of quest items to turn in that you may have forgot to
  • Locked Quest Items: Unlocks items for quests you don't have yet (Advanced users only)

Future Quests

  • Shows all needed items to collect for all future quests/kappa
  • Automatically tracks stash and inventory
  • Notifies you of items you collected and removes/sorts them automatically for you


  • Shows where your extract locations are
  • Shows requirements for these extracts
  • Shows where requirements are: Names and Locations of power switches etc
  • Filters out extracts that you cannot use


  • Live market data and prices
  • Option to change item prices: Live, 24hr Average, 7Day Average or Trader Price
  • Smart system displays correct Item Pricing, if it is not Found in Raid you will get a Trader Price
  • Anti Clutter System: Only displays Item information when hovered
  • Min price for nearby ground items
  • Min price for nearby containers
  • Min price for expensive global containers and items
  • Pixel and FOV Hover limit
  • Option to Center or Align Container Loot information

Custom Loot

  • Lists all of your Custom Items
  • Search by item name(short, long)
  • Search by item type(food, meds, keys. etc)
  • Add or Remove items from your Custom List: Right click to remove
  • Add Custom Items from clipboard
  • Shows specific item type information such as which map a key belongs to etc


  • Unlock Head Rotation: Allows full 360 rotation on freelook
  • Loot Through Walls: Nerfed by bsg but you can still loot using the Camera Forward Key(safely)
  • Thermal Vision(Red): Toggle Thermal Vision on key press, removes artifacts
  • Night Vision: Toggle Night Vision on key press
  • No Visor: Automatically removes visor effects
  • Double Search: Search multiple things at once
  • Instant ADS: Zoom in and out quickly
  • Crosshair
  • Timescale: Speeds up local frame time when you move allowing you to move faster
  • Perception Hearing Buff: Hear footsteps/sounds further
  • Jump Strength Buff: Jump higher
  • Jump Strength Buff Weight Multiplier: Automatically manages your Jump Strength Buff based on your current weight
  • Time of Day changer: Change the time from dark to day or any hour that you wish
  • Skeleton Display Ratio: Players/Bots will turn from Crosses to Skeletons once threshold is met
  • AntiAFK: Swaps ingame tabs if no activity in 5 minutes to prevent getting kicked out (must be tabbed in to EFT)


  • Magazine Loading Delays: Load and Unload mags as fast as possible (Delayed only by latency)
  • Magazine Reloading Delays: Reload hella fast, including loading rounds into chamber (sks for example)
  • Examine Delay: Allows you to inspect items instantly (Delayed only by latency)
  • Sprint Stamina: Bypasses fatigue and allows unlimited sprinting
  • Move Speed Restrictions: Allows overweight sprinting and increases Move speed and Acceleration
  • Physical Conditions: Allows to sprint with broken legs, move while healing/cms'ing etc
  • Inertia: Allows moving side to side and stopping instantly without drag
  • Sprint Inhibitors: Allows you to move through Bushes, Barbed wires, Swamps, Water etc (anything that slows you down) without being slowed
  • Rotation Limits: Uncaps your viewangles, look all the way up while laying down or doing a full 360 while on a mounted machine gun etc
  • Remove Visor effect


  • Extended Fake Lean: Allows you to fake lean(manipulation) around corners without being seen but being able to do damage.
  • Weapon Raiser(On key): Allows you to shoot over objects while being completely hidden behind them, or shooting under the map/floor if value is set negative.
  • Door open range modifier: distance in meters slider (lets you open doors from further away)
  • Container open delay modifier: % slider, removes up to 0.55 seconds of delay 
  • Grenade Speed: % multiplier slider, allows you to throw grenades farther (across the map if needed)
  • Air Gravity: % multiplier slider, allows you to free roam through the air on jumps longer
  • Crouch Speed: % multiplier slider, allows you to crouch up/down faster


  • Hotkey Selector: Click on your feature and then press the desired key to set or ESC to remove the hotkey bind
  • Silent Aimbot activation: Set desired key or hit ESC when binding (None) to have it always activated
  • Combat Mode: Disables most of ESP for eaiser combat vision
  • Hitbox cycle: Press to change hitbox. head, thorax, pelvis, left/right leg and arm
  • Night Vision toggle
  • Thermal Vision toggle
  • Jump Stuck toggle
  • Wall Phaser activation
  • Raise Weapon Key
  • Super Speed Key
  • Camera Forward Key: Moves camera forward up to 2m until interacting with an item (Loot through walls)
  • Swap Interactable Key: Advanced users feature, used for looting locked containers
  • Swap Item Context Key: Advanced users feature, used for looting locked containers
  • Double tap W to stay moving forward

Exploit Features

  • Unlock/Reset all power switches (D2 Extract power switch on reserve, Labs parking gate switch etc)
  • Super Speed: Move insanely fast, 10100 meters per second + always speed when sprinting (optional)
  • Jump Stuck: Suspend in jumping animation + mini fly mode up to 2 meters in height and for 4 seconds
  • and also takes no stamina, perfect for cross map journeys at critical overweight
  • Wall Phaser: Fall through floors/ground
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