- Supported CPU: Intel + AMD
- Supported Windows Verion: 10 - 11
- Enable (Turn on/off)
- Hit Groups (Enemy body parts)
- FOV Type (Type of field of view)
- FOV (Viewing angle)
- Auto Wall (Helps you shoot through walls)
- Filters (Set specific conditions for targeting)
- Friendly Fire (Aim at teammates)
- Ignore Smoke (Aim will not work when the enemy or you are in smoke)
- Ignore Flash (Aim will not work when you are blinded)
- RCS (Recoil Control System)
- Pitch (Vertical recoil control)
- Yaw (Horizontal recoil control)
- Start Bullet (Which bullet the cheat will control recoil from)
- Delays (Time delays between actions)
- Target Selection (Method for selecting targets)
- Enable (Turn on/off)
- Hit Groups (Body parts the triggerbot will react to)
- Friendly Fire (Triggerbot affects teammates)
- Only Scoped (Triggerbot works only when scoped)
- Ignore Smoke (Triggerbot won’t work in smoke)
- Ignore Flash (Triggerbot won’t work when blinded)
- Preview (ESP preview)
- Elements (Box, Health Bar, Armor Bar, Nickname, Weapon text, Bomb, Defuse Kit, Distance, Flashed, Scoped, Planting, Defusing, Hostage)
- Skeleton (Draws the enemy's skeleton)
- Chams (Shows colored models)
- Glow (Highlight enemies or items)
- Out of FOV Arrow (Shows where opponents behind you are located)
- Items (Shows items on the ground)
- World Effects (Shows various effects when hitting/killing an enemy)
- Night Mode (Turn game environment into night mode)
- Smoke Color (Change the color of smoke grenades)
- Grenade Trajectory (Shows the flight path of thrown grenades)
- Grenade Warning (Shows time left before a grenade explodes)
- C4 Timer (Shows the bomb site and time until the explosion)
- Removals (Remove smoke and sky in the game)
- Hitmarker (Shows when you hit an enemy)
- Damage Indicator (Shows the damage dealt to enemies)
- Viewmodel (Change the position of hands on the screen)
- SkinChanger (Change weapon skins)
- Trusted Mode (Prevent dangerous cheat functions from affecting your account)
- Auto Accept (Automatically accepts matches)
- Spectator List (Shows who is watching you in the game)
- Keybind List (Shows active key bindings)
- HitSound (Play a sound when you hit an enemy)
- Preserve Killfeed (Keep the killfeed visible for longer)
- Chatspam (Spam text into the game chat)
- External Radar (Radar opens in a separate tab)
- Scale (Adjust radar size)
- Alpha (Adjust radar transparency)