- Supported CPU: Intel + AMD
- Supported Windows Version: 10 - 11 (W11 24H2 Supported)
- Memory Aimbot
- Silent Aimbot
- Magic Bullet
- Prediction
- Smoothing (Customizable speed + algorithm [Linear/Quadratic/Cubic])
- Visibility check
- Wallbang (Shoot through walls when the bullet can penetrate)
- Improved wallbang (Significantly improve accuracy when shooting through walls)
- Autoshoot (Automatically shoots at the target when holding silent aim key. Supports manipulation, wallbang and similar features)
- Manipulation (Shoot around corners or over obstacles without peeking, automatically find the best angle)
- Ricochet (Bounce bullets off of walls/obstacles to hit targets)
- Ignore scavs as player scav (Aimbot will not target scavs when you are a player scav)
- Ignore teammates
- Silent melee (Automatically hit targets with the melee weapon if you are close to them)
- Silent melee use stab (Force silent melee to stab (right click) instead of slash)
- Silent Grenade (Silent aim for grenades, if no angle can be found, grenade will not be thrown)
- Grenade aimbot (Memory aim for grenades)
- Automatic grenade speed adjustment (Increase or decrease the throw strength of grenades when using grenade aimbot, to ensure a perfect hit on the target)
- Hitchance (0-100%, choose how many shots will hit the targets)
- Aimbot FOV
- Max Aimbot Distance
- Aimbot Target Bone (Choose which bone to hit, or select dynamic and choose a bone priority order, if any of the selected bones are visible, aimbot will target them)
- Memory aimbot keybind
- Silent aim keybind
- Lock target keybind (Don't clear target if they go out of FOV or similar, press this key again to unlock target)
- Prioritize Visible Targets (aimbot will prioritize visible targets in your FOV)
- Triggerbot
- Triggerbot shoot only while ADS
- Triggerbot Shot Delay
- Triggerbot Max Distance
Combat/Weapon settings
- No Recoil (Customizable recoil %)
- No Spread (Customizable spread %)
- No Sway
- Instant ADS
- Fast Bullet
- Bullet Speed Scalar
- Grenade speed scalar
- No weapon malfunction
- Player ESP
- Enable Player ESP
- Player Names
- Player Distance
- Player Weapon
- Player Value
- Player Health Bar
- Player Health Text
- Player Skeleton
- Player Box (Cornered / Full)
- Player Stats (KD / Level / Hours)
- Important Player Flags (Streamer / Sherpa / Dev)
- Draw Teammates
- Max Draw Distance
- Player Visible Color
- Player Invisible Color
- Teammate Color
- Team ID (Show teammates of other players)
Scav ESP
- Enable Scav ESP
- Scav Names
- Scav Distance
- Scav Weapon
- Scav Value
- Scav Health Bar
- Scav Health Text
- Scav Skeleton
- Scav Box (Cornered / Full)
- Max Scav Draw Distance
- Max Elite/Boss Draw Distance
- Scav Visible Color
- Scav Invisible Color
- Boss Visible Color
- Boss Invisible Color
- Elite Visible Color
- Elite Invisible Color
- Max Sniper Scav draw distance
Loot ESP
- Enable Loot ESP
- Use Price Per Slot
- Enable Tier 1-5 (Enable/disable each loot tier individually)
- Tier 1-5 Min Value (Minimum value for each tier, allows you to customize value ranges which you want to be drawn)
- Tier 1-5 Max Draw Distance (Max draw distance for each of the 5 tiers, prevents ESP clutter by making you able to customize exactly what you want to be shown)
- Tier 1-5 Color (Color for each item tier, allowing you to see an item's value at a glance)
- Draw loose loot
- Container ESP
- Container Name
- Container Distance
- Container Max Draw Distance
- Show/Hide locked containers
- Selectable container types (Only draw certain containers)
- Container icon (Draw an icon instead of "Container" text, to reduce clutter)
- Corpse ESP
- Corpse Name
- Corpse Value
- Corpse Distance
- Corpse Max Draw Distance
- Show Corpse Items
- Corpse item FOV (Only show items within containers when looking at them, which helps reduce clutter)
- Corpse icon (Draw a plus icon on corpses, so you can see the value of a corpse at a glance, as the colors for icons will be based on your tier settings)
- Important item system (Allows you to mark items as important and force them to show regardless of their value, or force them to be hidden from ESP altogether)
Quest Helper
- Show quest items
- Show quest locations
- Max draw distance for quests
- Quest color
Mine ESP
- Draw minefields
- Draw claymores
- Draw distance
- Draw minefield boxes
- Max mine draw distance
- Minefield/claymore color
- Draw Tripwires
- Tripwire Color
- Enable 2D radar
- Draw players on radar
- Draw scavs on radar
- Draw look direction line
- Draw distance on radar
- Customizable radar size
- Customizable max distance
- Customizable radar position
Misc Visuals
- Weapon laser (show exactly where you're aiming in the world)
- Weapon laser color
- Penetration indicator (Weapon laser color changes based on if the wall you are looking at can be penetrated with your current ammo)
- Aimbot prediction visualization
- Draw Aimbot FoV Circle
- Aimbot FoV circle Color
- Aim target snapline
- Aim target ESP color (Different ESP color for your current aimbot target)
- Time changer
- Ammo/Weapon Fire Mode Indicator
- Enemy looking at us alert
- Chams (Flat, ForceField, Dissolve, Wireframe, Rainbow)
- Gear Chams
- Visible Only Chams
- Visible/invisible chams colors
- Crosshair (customizable)
- Grenade ESP
- Grenade ESP color
- Toggle watermark
- Toggle static watermark
- Valuable item indicator (Shows most valuable items in the current raid, ordered by highest value first, in a separate window)
- Hit logs (Show a notification containing the target's name and damage dealt when you hit someone)
- Raid info display (Show data about players in the current raid, including how many players, scavs, player scavs, bosses and elites are left in the current raid, as well as if there are any streamers/devs/sherpas in the raid)
- Always Clear Weather (Remove rain and similar effects)
- Bullet tracers
- Bullet tracer timeout
- Bullet tracer color
- Grenade tracers
- Grenade prediction line
- Grenade tracer color
- Route/waypoint system (Allows users to record, share and use waypoint routes for easier navigation through mine fields, such as the Lighthouse bridge)
- Bright Night
- Ambient Color Changer
Exfil ESP
- Enable exfil ESP
- Exfil name
- Exfil distance
- Exfil color
- Draw marathon transits
Misc Settings
- Loot Through Walls (Loose items/containers/corpses)
- Far Loot
- No Visor Effect
- Night Vision
- Thermal Vision
- Debug camera (allows you to move your camera anywhere without moving your player)
- Debug camera speed
- No slowdown (Prevents slowdown when walking through bushes and similar obstacles)
- No tremor
- Infinite stamina
- Quick stamina regen
- Fast magazine load/unload
- Shoot while running
- Camera FoV changer
- Zoom
- Zoom value
- Zoom keybind
- Speedhack
- Speedhack value
- Speedhack keybind
- Speedhack only while sprinting
- High jump
- High jump value
- Streamer mode (Hides your raid ID)
- Streamer Mode Hide Name (Hides your name (or all player names) from death screen, character screen, etc)
- Increased height (Shoot players from the air)
- Anti AFK (Prevent AFK kicks)
- Reveal dogtag (Show your own dogtag, so you can move it to a different container if you'd like)
- Auto drop dogtag (Automatically drop your dogtag when you load into a raid, if you die, others won't be able to loot your dogtag or see your name on their kill screen)
- Noclip (Phase through floors)
- Noclip keybind
- KD dropper
- KD Dropper death limit (Limit how many times you will die before KD dropper automatically stops)
- Auto suicide (Automatically kills you when you load into a raid, useful alongside KD dropper, no grenades needed)
- Auto loot (Automatically loot nearby items which match the minimum value)
- Auto loot min value
- Vacuum keybind (Teleport items within 1-2 meters to you)
- Early Quest Items (Allows you to pick up quest items before you have the quest)
- Server-side Stat Changer (PVP) - Permanently modify your stats which all players will be able to see
PVE Features
- Disable AI (Fully disables AI, they cannot move and their shots will not hit you)
- Godmode (No fall damage, no mine damage, etc)
- Flyhack/noclip (Fly anywhere on the map)
- Flyhack/noclip keybind
- Flyhack/noclip speed
- Force Offline Streets (Force Streets of Tarkov map to be locally hosted, allowing you to use risky/detected and PVE-Only features on it)
- Save/load/export/import configs
- Config hotswap keybinds (Swap between up to 5 configs seamlessly by pressing keybinds assigned to each config)
- English, Chinese and Russian language support
- Custom fonts
- Item prices automatically update on every injection