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EFT Exozone

escape from tarkov Instant Delivery

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Escape From Tarkov Exozone

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  • Windows Version: Windows 10 + 11
  • CPU: Intel + AMD


  • Bone Selection (Head, Neck, Upper Chest, Lower Chest, Arms and Legs) - Allows selection of specific body parts to target. 
  • Target Priority (Closest Fov, Closest Distance) - Prioritizes targets based on the closest field of view or distance. 
  • Override Bones On Key (Head, Neck, Upper Chest, Lower Chest, Arms and Legs) - Switches target bones when a specific key is pressed. 
  • Fov Circle - Displays a circle representing the field of view for targeting.
  • Target Tracer - Draws a line to the targeted player. 
  • Enable On Key - Activates aimbot when a specific key is pressed. 
  • Auto Wall (Penetration Chance (0-100%), Autowall Distance (0-180m))- Automatically shoots through walls with configurable penetration chance and distance. 
  • 360 Yaw (Shoot in any direction) - Allows shooting in any direction regardless of player's orientation. 
  • Silentaim - Targets enemy without moving the player's view. 
  • Persistent Lock (Lock target inside of FOV until killed) - Locks onto a target within the field of view until the target is killed. 
  • Auto Shoot (Shot Delay (0-2 seconds)) - Automatically fires at targets. 
  • Fov Controller (1-720) - Adjusts the field of view for targeting. 
  • Distance Controller (0-500m) - Sets the maximum distance for engaging targets. 
  • Nospread - Eliminates bullet spread. 
  • Quick Reload - Speeds up weapon reload times. 
  • Instant Aim - Instantly aims down sights (ADS). 
  • Quick Weapon Swap - Allows faster switching between weapons. 
  • Shoot While Running - Enables shooting while running without penalty. 
  • Lean Manipulation (Lean Modifier (0-100%)) - Extends the leaning limit.


  • Bone Selection (Head, Neck, Upper Chest, Lower Chest, Arms and Legs) - Allows selection of specific body parts to target. 
  • Fov Circle - Displays a circle representing the field of view for targeting. 
  • Target Tracer - Draws a line to the targeted player. 
  • Enable On Key - Activates aimbot when a specific key is pressed. 
  • Visibility Check - Ensures target is visible before shooting. 
  • Randomize Bone - Randomizes the target bone. 
  • Randomize Hitspot - Randomizes the exact hit spot on the target. 
  • Dead Zone (Unlock Delay (0-0.3 seconds), Relock Delay (0-1 seconds)) - Adds a delay before unlocking and relocking on target. 
  • Auto Shoot (Shot Delay (0-2 seconds)) - Automatically fires at target. 
  • Recoil Control Minimum (0-100%) - Sets the minimum level of recoil control. 
  • Recoil Control Maximum (0-100%) - Sets the maximum level of recoil control. 
  • Sway Control (0-100%) - Manages the weapon sway. 
  • Smoothing (0-100%) - Smooths out aim movements to appear more natural. 
  • Fov Controller (1-720) - Adjusts the field of view for targeting. 
  • Distance Controller (0-500m) - Sets the maximum distance for engaging targets.


  • Player Box (2D Box, 3D Box, 2D Corner Box) - Displays a box around players. 
  • Player Name - Shows the player's name. 
  • Player Level - Displays the player's level. 
  • Player Total Worth - Shows the total worth of the player’s inventory. 
  • Player Weapon - Displays the player's equipped weapon. 
  • Player Faction - Shows the player's faction. 
  • Player Category - Displays the player's category. 
  • Player KD - Shows the player's kill/death ratio. 
  • Player In-Game Hours - Displays the player's total in-game hours. 
  • Player Out Of Fov Arrows (Intensity (1-10 seconds), Width (5-20), Distance (5-450), Radius (50-1000)) - Shows arrows pointing to players outside the field of view. 
  • Player Group - Displays the player's group. 
  • Player Distance - Shows the distance to the player. 
  • Player Skeleton - Displays a skeleton overlay on the player. 
  • Player Flags - Shows various flags for the player (e.g., aiming). 
  • Player Chams (Fresnel, Fresnel Pulse, Wireframe and Solid) - Highlights players with different cham styles. 
  • Player XQZ Chams (Allows you to see chams through walls and set individual colours for both a player behind a wall and visible) - Allows seeing chams through walls with different colors. 
  • Player Damage Indicator - Shows indicators when a player is damaged. 
  • Player Hitsound - Plays a sound when hitting a player. 
  • Player Healthbar - Displays a health bar for players. 
  • Player Ammobar - Shows the ammunition bar for players. 
  • Player Trail (Start Color, End Color, Width (0-0.1), Lifetime (0.1-5 seconds)) - Draws a trail behind players. 
  • Player Max Distance (This is how far the ESP will be rendered (0-1200m)) - Sets the maximum distance for player rendering ESP. 
  • Battlemode - Activates battle-related visual aids. 
  • 3D Crosshair - Displays a 3D crosshair. 
  • 3D Penetration Crosshair (Penetration Chance (0-100%), Disable While Aiming) - Shows a 3D crosshair which indicates if object is penetrable. 
  • Penetration Chance - Displays the chance of penetrating objects. 
  • Disable Crosshair While Aiming - Hides the 3D crosshair when aiming. 
  • Localplayer Indicators - Shows indicators for the local player (e.g., battlemode). 
  • Localplayer Chams (Fresnel, Fresnel Pulse, Wireframe and Solid) - Highlights the local player with different cham styles. 
  • Localplayer Trail (Start Color, End Color, Width (0-0.1), Lifetime (0.1-5)) - Draws a trail behind the local player. 
  • Show Ammo Count - Displays the ammunition count. 
  • Thirdperson - Switches to a third-person view. 
  • Bullet Tracers (Bullet Tracer Width (0.01-0.2) and Bullet Tracer Lifetime (0.1-5 seconds)) - Shows bullet tracers with configurable width and lifetime. 
  • Most Expensive Item HUD - Displays the most expensive item in view. 
  • Entities Count HUD (Players, Player Scavs, Scavs and Bosses) - Shows the count of various entities. 
  • Environement Removals (Fog and Postprocessing (HBAO, Vintage, Prism Effect and Color Correction)) - Removes visual effects like fog and post-processing. 
  • UI Removals (Inventory Blur, Hurt Screen and Motion Blur) - Removes UI elements like blur and motion blur. 
  • Sun Ambient Changer - Changes the sun's ambient lighting. 
  • Weather Controller (Cloud Density (0-4) and Rain Intensity (0-2)) - Adjusts cloud density and rain intensity. 
  • Time Changer (0-23 Hour) - Changes the in-game time. 
  • Item Box (2D Box, 3D Box, 2D Corner Box) - Displays a box around items. 
  • Item Name - Shows the item's name. 
  • Item Price - Displays the item's price. 
  • Item Distance - Shows the distance to the item. 
  • Show Active Quest Items - Highlights active quest items. 
  • Item Min Price (0-500000) - Sets the minimum price for displaying items. 
  • Item Max View Distance (0-650m) - Sets the maximum distance for viewing items. 
  • Container Box (2D Box, 3D Box, 2D Corner Box) - Displays a box around containers. 
  • Container Name - Shows the container's name. 
  • Container Worth - Displays the container's worth. 
  • Container Distance - Shows the distance to the container.
  • Container Min Worth (0-850000) - Sets the minimum worth for displaying containers. 
  • Container Max View Distance (0-650m) - Sets the maximum distance for viewing containers. 
  • Quest Location Name (Display Only Closest Quest Locations) - Displays the names of quest locations. 
  • Quest Location Distance - Shows the distance to quest locations. 
  • Corpse Name - Displays the name of corpses. 
  • Corpse Total Worth - Shows the total worth of items on corpses. 
  • Corpse Distance - Displays the distance to corpses. 
  • Corpse Skeleton - Shows a skeleton overlay on corpses. 
  • Corpse Chams (Fresnel, Fresnel Pulse, Wireframe and Solid) - Highlights corpses with different cham styles. 
  • Corpse XQZ Chams (Allows you to see chams through walls and set individual colours for both a player behind a wall and visible) - Allows seeing corpse chams through walls. 
  • Corpse Min Worth (0-850000) - Sets the minimum worth for displaying corpses. 
  • Corpse Max View Distance (0-650m) - Sets the maximum distance for viewing corpses. 
  • Item Filtering - Filters items based on their names. 
  • Loot Content Viewer - Shows contents of containers and corpses. 
  • Content Viewer Fov (20-720) - Sets the field of view range for the content viewer. 
  • Content Viewer Distance (0-650m) - Sets the distance range for the content viewer. 
  • Content Viewer Min Price (0-250000) - Sets the minimum price for displaying contents. 
  • Radar Grid - Displays a radar grid. 
  • Radar Localplayer - Shows the local player on the radar. 
  • Radar Player - Displays players on the radar. 
  • Radar Friend - Shows friends on the radar. 
  • Radar Player Scav - Displays player scavs on the radar. 
  • Radar Boss - Shows bosses on the radar. 
  • Radar Bots - Displays bots on the radar. 
  • Radar Player Castline - Shows where a player is aiming. 
  • Radar Container - Displays containers on the radar. 
  • Radar Item - Shows items on the radar. 
  • Radar Corpse - Displays corpses on the radar. 
  • Radar Name Filtering - Filters radar names based on criteria. 
  • Radar Grenade - Shows grenades on the radar. 
  • Radar Scale (0.01-2) - Adjusts the radar scale. 
  • Radar Size (50-200) - Sets the radar size. 
  • Radar X Position - Adjusts the radar's X position. 
  • Radar Y Position - Adjusts the radar's Y position. 
  • Grenade Name - Displays the grenade's name.
  • Grenade Distance - Shows the distance to grenades. 
  • Grenade Max View Distance (0-650m) - Sets the maximum distance for viewing grenades. 
  • Extraction Name - Displays the names of extraction points. 
  • Extraction Distance - Shows the distance to extraction points. 
  • Extraction Max View Distance (0-650m) - Sets the maximum distance for viewing extraction points. 
  • Minefield Name - Displays the names of minefields. 
  • Minefield Distance - Shows the distance to minefields. 
  • Minefield Max View Distance (0-650m) - Sets the maximum distance for viewing minefields. 
  • Mine Name - Displays the names of mines. 
  • Mine Distance - Shows the distance to mines. 
  • Mine Max View Distance (0-650m) - Sets the maximum distance for viewing mines.


  • Autorun - Automatically runs without player input. 
  • Novisor - Disables visor effects. 
  • Bunnyhop - Automatically jumps to maintain speed. 
  • Autostrafe (Speed (2-30)) - Automatically strafes while jumping. 
  • Quickzoom (Intensity (1-12)) - Zooms in quickly. 
  • Freecam (Speed (1-10)) - Allows free camera movement. 
  • Viewport Fov Controller (50-105) - Adjusts the field of view in the viewport. 
  • Aspect Ratio (0.5-2) - Changes the aspect ratio of the game. 
  • Heatvision (Ramp Shift, Texture Color and Minimum Temperature) - Enables heat vision with customizable settings. 
  • Loot Through Walls (Field Of View (0-720)) - Allows looting items and containers through walls. 
  • Infinite Stamina - Provides unlimited stamina. 
  • No Slowdown - Prevents slowdown from bushes and other obstacles. 
  • Unmount stationary weapons - Allows unmounting of stationary weapons. 
  • Instant Container Search - Searches containers instantly. 
  • No Container Open Delay - Removes the delay when opening containers. 
  • Fast Looting - Speeds up the looting process. 
  • Disable Inertia - Disables inertia effects.
  • Instant Workout - Completes workouts instantly. 
  • Fast Magazine Drills - Speeds up magazine drills. 
  • Anti AFK - Prevents getting kicked due to being AFK. 
  • Fullbright (Intensity (1-4)) - Increases brightness. 
  • Godmode - Makes the player invincible. 
  • Teleport To Crosshair - Teleports the player to the crosshair location. 
  • Speedhack (Intensity (2-144)) - Increases movement speed. 
  • KD Dropper (Stop After X Games (1-500), Map Selection) - Intentionally lowers kill/death ratio 
  • Menu Scale - Adjusts the scale of the in-game menu. 
  • Config System - Manages configuration settings for the cheat features.
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